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[Post Game Thread] The Dallas Mavericks (2-2) defeat the Brooklyn Nets (1-4) in OT, 129-125
[–][BKN] Kevin DurantLeBrown_James666 1077 points 2 hours ago
We really losing even though kd and Kyrie score 35+ in the same game
[–]Raptorsschoolhater12 482 points 2 hours ago
You don't think the problem is them taking turns playing iso offense? KD is at least hyper efficient while Kyrie is not
[–]Rockets1gnominious 277 points 2 hours ago
They dont really have a better option though. Those 2 are going to be completely drained by the end of the season.
[–]Netsjdiddy_ub 175 points 2 hours ago
They do. Those guys are just hurt.
Harris and likely curry will be playing next game.
Also they tj warren supposedly coming back in a week or 2.
I don't think the nets will ever stop being kd and kyrie iso heavy but at least with shooters all over the place it will hopefully be less taxing on them.
As a nets fan this is the best case scenario. I no longer have any expectations in terms of where they end up in the standings or how far they go (if they go) in the playoffs.
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